Freebie: To-Do List with Compassionate Reminders

The To-Do List is an essential part of the organized person’s life. What is often left out of to-do lists though, is a reminder section for self-care, compassion and how to ask for help. Since the majority of the people I work with have a number of competing responsibilities, roles, and priorities, I created this […]
15 Statements to Convince Yourself to Self-Care: A love letter to all parents
“What to say” Series: Last week I wrote a blog post on 20 easy 5-minute self-care ideas for parents. Today, I continue the conversation in the guest post, “15 Statements to Convince Yourself to Self-Care: A love letter to all Parents” on The Productive Parent website. I provide 15 statements and quotes that parents […]
How to be a better parent by being Self(care)ish: 20 easy 5-minute ideas to nourish yourself

How to be a better parent by being Self(care)ish: 20 easy 5-minute ideas to nourish yourself Sofia Mendoza, LCSW Have you ever felt guilty or even selfish for indulging in some down time while your littles are in daycare, with grandparents or friends? If you have, you’re not alone. Every time I ask a parent […]